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2023 年秋季通讯


秋天快乐! 我们希望您能够在这个温暖的天气和阳光下走出户外,我们很幸运能够在美丽的西北地区度过一年中的这个时候。 在这个充满感恩的月份,我们非常感谢您的支持,感谢您选择我们学校为您的孩子提供教育。 我们希望本学年对您和我们来说都是积极的; 我们真诚地欢迎您的学生每天通过在线或现场方式来到学校。 在本通讯中,我们将重点介绍本季度开展的众多活动和学习机会,并向您提供重要日期和即将举办的活动。 我们还邀请您参加 11 月 20 日至 21 日的家长/教师会议。 我们列出了下面的时间表,供您查看并进行相应的计划。 我们希望看到你在那里!

Brad Linn, Principal

Zoe Booth, Assistant Principal


Blue Skies and Yellow Fields

溪流/路边清理 YTA 活动​

溪流/路边清洁活动为学生提供了帮助社区的绝佳机会,同时为学生提供宝贵的 YTA 时间。 学生和工作人员在克拉克马斯的 84 大道上装满了多袋垃圾,非常感谢所有参与的人! 如果您正在寻找更多志愿者机会,请联系您的 YTA 老师。

Abstract Crystal Burst

State Testing Updates - Science

Our 5th, 8th, and 11th Grade students participated in the Oregon State Assessment in Science in March and did an awesome job! Our students’ percent proficiency is above the district and state in all 3 grades, great job! We will be offering the Oregon State Assessment in grades 3 - 8 and 11 in English Language Arts in April and Mathematics in May.  Please contact your advisor to sign up for a session if you have not already.

JA Biztown Logo.jpeg

我们的高中学生积极参加现场强化课程,享受他们提供的协作和参与的学习机会。 表达之门的学生正在通过绘画、绘画、摄影和雕塑来审视自我表达,古代帝国的学生正在穿越时空,审视不同古代帝国的文化、艺术和建筑,我们的年鉴学生正在忙碌 采访学生和教职员工,我们的领导力学生正在计划供所有年级参加的有趣的学校活动。天文学学生正在研究核聚变、重力、光年、太阳风、太空探索等科学主题,而我们的自然科学学生正在研究核聚变、重力、光年、太阳风、太空探索等科学主题。 俄勒冈州的历史学生正在学习独特的动植物生命、河流、湖泊、流域、山脉、森林、牧场和地质,这些使俄勒冈州成为一个如此特别的地方。

Mountain Ridge


Our second and third grade students celebrated Read Across America Day by reading, writing and working on fun art projects together.  It was so fun to see their work displayed in the school!

CWA Students excel inside and outside of the classroom

CWA students are doing awesome things at school as well as outside of school. Our students are engaged in basketball, softball, baseball, football, soccer, tennis,  hockey, aerial gymnastics, dance, archery, fishing, equestrian, trap and skeet, drumline, and more. We are so proud of our students and their accomplishments!

Blue Surface


在十月阳光明媚的日子里,我们的小学生和中学生有机会在利波尔德农场交流并一起享受时光。 南瓜、玉米迷宫、山羊、苹果酒、甜甜圈和干草车! ☀️


我们的中学生继续享受每周在年级社区会议中建立社区的乐趣,同时玩协作游戏、接受学术支持或从事艺术和手工艺项目。 我们的八年级学生每周四上午 11:00 开会,六年级和七年级学生每周一上午 11:00 开会,我们希望您能加入我们!

Abstract Lights


我们在本学年开始时表现出色,在年级入学培训中表现出色。 在我们的 CWA 迎新活动中,学生能够获得良好开端、与老师会面并结交新朋友所需的信息! 非常感谢所有出席的人。


4th/5th Grade Community Building

Our 4th and 5th Grade students continue to enjoy meeting together on Fridays each week not only to work on school but also build community and strengthen friendships. They play games, work on crafts, engage in problem solving activities, and more. They are such a kind and  welcoming group, always eager to include whoever wants to join in!

Gradient Red Yellow


CWA 的高年级学生于 9 月 8 日清晨聚集在一起,享受有史以来第一次 CWA 高年级日出,然后在鲍勃红磨坊 (Bob’s Red Mill) 享用早餐。 后续还会有更多高级活动,期待您的光临!

Abstract Linear Background

100th Day of School

Our kindergarten students celebrated their 100th day of school by sharing art projects they designed  at home that creatively displayed the use of 100 items. They searched for 100 hershey’s kisses around the classroom and put them in order. And they  dressed up in outfits to show what they think they will look like when they are 100 :)

Local Cafe

CWA 的高年级学生于 9 月 8 日清晨聚集在一起,享受有史以来第一次 CWA 高年级日出,然后在鲍勃红磨坊 (Bob’s Red Mill) 享用早餐。 后续还会有更多高级活动,期待您的光临!

Middle School Reading Cafe

Math and Geometry Tools


CWA 的高年级学生于 9 月 8 日清晨聚集在一起,享受有史以来第一次 CWA 高年级日出,然后在鲍勃红磨坊 (Bob’s Red Mill) 享用早餐。 后续还会有更多高级活动,期待您的光临!


我们在本学年开始时表现出色,在年级入学培训中表现出色。 在我们的 CWA 迎新活动中,学生能够获得良好开端、与老师会面并结交新朋友所需的信息! 非常感谢所有出席的人。



我们的中学生继续享受每周在年级社区会议中建立社区的乐趣,同时玩协作游戏、接受学术支持或从事艺术和手工艺项目。 我们的八年级学生每周四上午 11:00 开会,六年级和七年级学生每周一上午 11:00 开会,我们希望您能加入我们!

USA Flag

Parade of States

CWA’s  3rd graders learned so much about our 50 states! They learned the names of all 50 states as well as their capitals, they became experts on the state of their choice  by compiling an A-Z research project, they  wrote a handwritten letter to the Governor of their state requesting their autograph on a state puzzle piece, made a creative state float about their state, and composed a persuasive speech convincing classmates to visit their state. In the culminating event, our third grade students did an outstanding job sharing their knowledge and answering questions during the Parade of States. Well done!!

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