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2023 Fall Newsletter

Hello CWA Families! 

Happy Fall! We hope that you have been able to get outside in this warm weather and sunshine that we are so fortunate to have this time of year in the beautiful Northwest. In this month of gratitude, we are very grateful for your support and that you have chosen our school for your child’s education. We hope that this school year has been as positive for you so far as it has for us; we truly love welcoming your students to school each day either online or on-site.  In this newsletter we will highlight some of the many activities and learning opportunities that have taken place this quarter and provide you with important dates and upcoming events. It is also time that we ask that you join us for Parent/Teacher Conferences on November 20th and 21st. We have included the schedule below for you to review and plan accordingly.  We hope to see you there! 

Brad Linn, Principal

Zoe Booth, Assistant Principal


Back to School Orientations

 We started this school year strong with outstanding participation in our grade level orientations. At our CWA orientations students  were able to get information needed to get off to a great start, meet their teachers, and make new friends! Thank you so much to all of you that attended. 

Elementary Field Trip to the Park

CWA’s elementary students spent a fun-filled day at North Clackamas Park playing tag, building forts, climbing trees,  and more. It was such a fun day spent reconnecting with old friends and making new ones too! 😊

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Stream/Roadside Cleanup YTA Event

The Stream/Roadside cleanup event offered students a great opportunity to help their community while providing valuable YTA hours to students.  Students and staff filled multiple bags of refuse along 84th Ave right here in Clackamas, a  huge thank you to everyone who participated! Please reach out to your YTA teacher if you are looking for more volunteer  opportunities.

Enrichment Classes

Our High School students are actively participating in on-site enrichment classes enjoying the collaborative and engaging learning opportunities they provide.  Students in Doorways to Expression are examining self-expression through drawing, painting, photography, and sculpture, students in Ancient Empires are taking a journey back in time to examine the culture, art, and architecture of different ancient empires, our Yearbook students are busy interviewing students and staff, and our Leadership students are planning fun school activities for all grade levels to participate in. Astronomy students are investigating science topics of fusion, gravity, light-year, solar wind, space exploration, and much more, and our Natural History of Oregon students are learning about the the unique animal and plant life, rivers,  lakes, watersheds, mountains, forests, rangelands, and geology that make Oregon such a special place.


Pumpkin Patch

Our Elementary and Middle School students had a chance to connect and enjoy time together at Liepold Farms on a beautiful sunny day  in October.  Pumpkins, corn maze,  goats, apple cider, donuts, and hayrides galore! ☀️

Senior Sunrise

CWA’s seniors gathered early the morning of  September 8th to enjoy the first ever CWA Senior Sunrise followed by breakfast at Bob’s Red Mill. There will be more senior events to come, we look forward to seeing you there!

Middle School Community Meetings

Our Middle School students continue to enjoy building community in their grade level Community Meetings each week while playing collaborative games, receiving academic support, or working on arts and crafts projects. Our 8th Grade students meet weekly on Thursdays  at 11:00 and our 6th and 7th Grade students meet weekly on Mondays at 11:00, we hope you can join us!

High School Physical Science "Skoolie Life" Project

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Students finished up their first Peer-to-Peer (P2P) team project worth 10% of overall grade.  Learning to collaborate as a team in-person and/or remotely, is a critical aspect of educating today’s students for the future.  Students were presented with the “Skoolie Life” project, which disseminates a complex project into 9 equally divided tasks.  Students selected tasks based upon consensus interests.  Each team collaborated for over two weeks on this side-project as they continued on with their normal science assignments.  Here are just a few slides from their completed proposals.  Their abilities amaze us when given more open-ended opportunities!

Featured Artwork Around the School

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